Monday, October 29, 2007

Dual Screens and Hearing Aids

Thanks Maury for your posts on screens. Every time I am stacking and reducing windows in my 15 in screen, I think of you and think how nice it would be to claim more of the screen real estate available.

It is amazing to realize the virtual world is not at all contained in the frame of our screen. I realized this a few years ago when I was trying to project a dvd from my computer onto a classroom screen. It was completely disorienting to realize the mouse had scooted out from my laptop screen onto the external screen. I was surprised to realize that it was not the same screen just projected over head: the virtual screen was way bigger than I had been led to believe by the frame of my computer. The virtual world seems to have no confines. We arbitrarily impose them due to our hardware restrictions, our habits and issues of practicality. Do we really want to carry around an infinite screen? Probably not. But just knowing it is there is thrilling.

Thank you also for your detailed posts on hearing aids. I read them with great interest and was intrigued to learn how sounds are processed. My mother started wearing hearing aids 5 years ago. The aids dramatically improved her hearing but it never occurred to me to ask " How are you hearing sounds?" I look forward to having that conversation with her next time I see her. Thanks again!

Best, Laura

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