Monday, October 29, 2007

Ingenious Free Spirted 16 year olds

Sheri thanks for your posts on your son's tricks. It seems it is Trick or Treat at your house everyday! My word, doing school work is challenging enough without pranks making you heart skip a beat. This said, it must be great having a resident techie who can help when needed or challenge you to reach beyond your comfort zone. Your story points to how younger generations view computers, computing, the internet - heck - the entire caboodle! - as a vehicle for fun. We fuddy-duddies view it primarily as a work and information tool. Now that I have time on my hands, I look forward to exploring the lighter side of this tech world. I probably will never even approximate your son's free spirit, but I hope to at least have a wee bit of fun.

Cheers, Laura

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