Sunday, September 16, 2007

Moodle: Not Thrilled Yet

Hi Folks,

Just a quick comment on my initial impressions of Moodle.

I do like the layout on the home/entry page to the site. It is clear and easy to find the classes one is enrolled in.

I find however the format of the discussion forum quite frustrating for the time being. Perhaps there are solutions to the peeves listed here and I simply have not taken the time to solve do indulge me for now. Of course, keep in mind, I believe I am one of the few who has gone on record as actually liking First Class.

I find entering the discussion/post zone disorienting: I find the format to be far too unwieldy. Having to scroll down to read all the posts rather than having windows of posts stacking is annoying. Also I liked the combined nesting AND threading function in First Class. In Moodle it seems that posts can either be nested OR threaded; I may need more practice with using the discussion zone with the threaded listing of posts. I find that the way the threaded posts are presented are unaesthetic and disturbing to my eye. I really also miss the select summarize function. Perhaps I can control these aspects of the presentation in the preferences category. I will need to be proactive to address these potentially resolvable issues.

Enough gripping for now.

What do you folks think so far about Moodle?

-Laura D

1 comment:

colorado said...

Laura, I just discovered this.
In Moodle there is an option to display replies in threaded form and it makes it a little easier to read them.