Sunday, September 16, 2007

Posting Comments to Blogs

Hi Folks,

I was reading through classmates blogs today. Occasionally, I posted remarks to classmates' posts.

Observation: While the basic process is the same: find box, enter text, and submit, the slight or dramatic variation from one site to another has been a bit disorienting. Occasionally, I would hit a key that would inadvertently close the window, and poof! my comment was gone into the nether lands.

Question: Are these merely stylistic differences or is it safe to say that there appears to be a lack of standards for this process?

Also some sites seem to only allow registered bloggers, in other words an insider, to post while others do not. Or it could simply be that I did not know where I was relative to each blog. Maybe I was "inside" but did not realize it.

Also, on the Mac, hitting the tab button does not indent text but sends my cursor off to some unexpected part of the page. Now I can't remember if this is a Moodle problem, a blog problem or both. I have just been spending a lot of time surprised by the consequences of hitting Tab in these new on-line environments. Any remarks? Of course, I will try to understand the function of the tab key and post my findings.

Puzzled on comments,
Laura D

1 comment:

colorado said...

Your blogging experience is typical of what i went through the first time that I set up a blog. When you have a moment have a look at the layout tab in blogger. Comments can be restricted to registered bloggers or anyone can comment.